The error code [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51] show mainly once your Microsoft Outlook malfunctions. Throughout this journal, I offer you an answer and show you the simple gratitude technique to fix [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51] error.
why does the error come [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51]:
There is unit of measure a unit of various causes found during a position to reason the error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51] to occur. Below is a listing of the different types of units of measurement:
1-If Outlook crashes on several Outlook accounts and you fail to clear cache as well as cookies Outlook might stop operating correctly and trigger an error.
2. If the proper action plan was adhered to, an error might occur.
Three. There could be conflicts with totally different programs on your laptop or notebook.
This issue can also happen in the case of the web-based Microsoft Outlook version.
Delete Microsoft Outlook and install it again:
Error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51] is usually common when your current version of MS is being corrupted or not functioning properly. The issue can be resolved by disabling the program and then reinstalling it. You can follow the instructions below to install it again.
1. Go to Control Panel, and select Programs and Features.
Make use of Microsoft Outlook to search and click on it.
In the top left corner of the list of features and programs you can uninstall them.
A window to remove the program will open. Follow the steps to finish the procedure.
Install the program.
Elimination of duplicate accounts
Also, Multiple accounts can cause error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51]. Accounts that have duplicates must be removed.
Read more : Solution [pii_email_89d6fa37d946a6dae75f] Outlook Error
Outlook: Create an Account and Setting
There is an option to select the messaging tab. You will be able to see your duplicate accounts.
Revive MS Outlook to confirm that the error has gone away.
Program and repair features:
The option to select features and programs can assist you in restoring your outlook. You can fix the features or program by following the steps listed below.
You can navigate to the different programs and features by using the Control Panel.
You can look up Microsoft Outlook/ office365 to locate that option.
Select the Edit button located at the top in the Programs & Window.
It will then be widen as well as the window replaced.
Follow the steps to finish the repair.
Once you’re finished, reboot your computer and confirm that the issue has been resolved.
Change server port number:
Here is another resolution to resolve the error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51]. You’ll need to change the port number of your server.
Navigate to Account settings by clicking the file button.
Validate Outlook.
Choose the email option, then select your account from the list.
A second window-pen will allow you to open an account for email.
You may then select other settings or webmail settings.
Choose from the Advance tab.
Here, you can change the SMPT number to 465-587.
It is possible to save your modifications after which you’re finished.
Microsoft Outlook Update:
It is possible that your MS Outlook may be giving errors due to your MS Outlook version you are using isn’t compatible with your system. It is necessary to upgrade your email program.
It is possible that you possess an earlier version of the software installed on your PC. It is essential to delete it from your computer immediately.
Before uninstalling it, be sure to backup your most important documents.
Install the most recent Version of MS Outlook.
If you cannot resolve the error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51] up till now, you can try the troubleshooting method.
To change settings, press the windows icon on the top of the keyboard.
You can select between a the security method and update. Additionally, you can have troubleshooting options.
To enable troubleshooting, press yes.
Make sure to wait until the configuration is completed.
Reboot your computer , then start MS Outlook to verify that it’s functioning.
We believe that we assisted you in resolving error [pii_email_07cac007de772af00d51]. If you’re still experiencing issues then call Microsoft customer support at the office.
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